Like most of the Web 2.0 tools, I had never heard of Technorati before today. I wasn’t even sure what the purpose of it was — social networking, bookmarking, blog host? I had no idea.
Well, now I know and it’s pretty cool! Technorati searches the “blogosphere” for whatever subject you are interested in reading. My first search: “gluten free” which resulted in 5,831 results, which included videos and blogs with those words. My second search: “celiac” which resulted in 1,190 results.
That’s pretty impressive!
You can also see what other tags people are using that are related to your search term. You can also compare your search term with another search term and the results display on a line chart. I did this for fun and typed in “moms” in comparison with “celiac.” Guess which one won out?! I guess mom knows best!
Oh, I can’t forget to mention, you can also filter your results by language, type of entry (blogs, videos, posts, photos), blogs/tags and/or authority.
I can see how Technorati could be useful. I just don’t know how often I’ll use it…which seems to be a common theme for me with some of the tools. I’m faithful to Facebook, blogs, Shutterfly, and now I’m starting to like Twitter. I just don’t know about using other things on a regular basis.